Calculator Extension

Currencies, Conversions, Time Zones, and Math Expressions

Raycast solves your complex math expressions and supports time zones, unit conversions, dates, and currency – including crypto. The best thing is, it understands your natural language!

Simply type an expression to solve complex math equations or convert time zones, units, and dates. Copy the answer to your clipboard to carry on with what you were doing before.


As a natural language calculator, the Raycast calculator extension is both intuitive and fast to use. This simple calculator extension makes it easy to handle a variety of calculations:

Dates and Timezones

Effortlessly synchronize for meetings and events without having to count dates in your calendar or work out time zones in your head.

Monday in 3 weeks17 May
5pm ldn in sf09:00
Time in Dubai17:27
Days until 25 Dec243 days
35 days ago22 March


Make currency or unit conversions straight from wherever you are on your desktop. Currency conversions are updated in the background at regular intervals, so you know that you are always getting the latest information.

10 usd in gbp£7,22
45 jpy to inr₹ 31,23
23C to F73,4 °F
29 inches to cm73,66 cm
4 feet to cm121,92 cm
3 teaspoon in ml14,78676ml

Math Equations

Calculate math expressions in Raycast and copy the answer straight to your clipboard. This basic calculator app is perfect for quick calculations.

60 + 74134
4 power 64,096
32% of 51,6
8 dollars/hour in gbp£5,75/hour
19m + 47%27,93 m

If you'd like to customize the decimal separator in the Raycast calculator, we have written a short guide in our manual.

Get Started

The Calculator is a special command – it's always available in the root search – just type any expression. You'll see your expression displayed on the left, and the answer on the right.

A few more examples of what Raycast understands:

Keyboard Shortcuts


The decimal separator used in the Raycast calculator is set by your system. If you want, you can change this.

After hitting OK, your changes will be available immediately in the Raycast calculator. If this is not the case, please restart Raycast.

Raycast's calculator extension is not just a tool; it's an essential part of your workflow. Whether you're looking for the best finance calculator app, an engineering calculator app, or even the best statistics calculator app, Raycast covers all your needs.

Quick Tip: Calculator History


What is the Raycast Calculator Extension?

The Raycast Calculator Extension is a powerful and intuitive calculator integrated into the Raycast launcher for Mac computers. It supports natural language input for solving complex math equations, converting time zones, units, and currencies, and handling dates.

How do I access the Calculator Extension in Raycast?

Simply type any mathematical expression, conversion query, or date-related question in the Raycast root search. The calculator extension will automatically process your input and display the answer.

What types of calculations can the Raycast Calculator Extension handle?

The extension can handle various calculations including basic math equations, currency conversions, unit conversions, date calculations, and time zone differences.

Can I customize the decimal separator in the Calculator Extension?

Yes, the decimal separator used in the Raycast Calculator is set by your system preferences. You can change it by navigating to System Preferences > Language and Region > Advanced, and then setting your preferred decimal separator.

Does the Calculator Extension support currency conversions?

Yes, it supports currency conversions. The exchange rates are updated in the background at regular intervals to ensure you get the latest information.

Can I use the Calculator Extension to convert time zones?

Absolutely. You can effortlessly convert time zones by typing queries like "5pm ldn in sf" or "time in Tokyo."

How do I copy the answer from the Calculator Extension?

You can copy the answer to your clipboard by pressing . Additionally, you can use ⌘ ↵ to paste the answer directly into the root search for a new calculation, or ⌘ ⇧ ↵ to swap the original question with the new answer in the search field.

Is the Calculator Extension suitable for professional use?

Yes, the Raycast Calculator Extension is versatile and robust, making it suitable for professional use in fields such as finance, engineering, and statistics.

Can I use the Calculator Extension offline?

The core functionalities of the Calculator Extension, such as basic math calculations and unit conversions, work offline. However, currency conversions require an internet connection to update exchange rates.

How do I update the Calculator Extension?

Raycast extensions, including the Calculator Extension, are updated automatically. Ensure you have the latest version of Raycast installed to access new features and improvements.

What are some examples of queries I can use with the Calculator Extension?

Here are a few examples:

Simplify your Calculations

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