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Adds commands to control the Alacritty terminal emulator.
AvatarJose Alvarez
983 Installs


Adds commands to control the Alacritty terminal emulator.


Edit File in Alacritty

Edits the currently selected Finder item(s) in a new Alacritty window using $EDITOR.

  • If $EDITOR is unset, the command falls back to /usr/bin/vim.
  • Selected items are passed to the editor using the following format: $EDITOR '/path/to/file1' '/path/to/file2'.
  • If you're using Vim, each item is added to the arglist, which you can navigate using :next and :prev.

Open Folder in Alacritty

Opens a new Alacritty window at the currently selected directory (or the parent directory of the current file if a file is selected).

  • Multiple selections will open a new Alacritty window at each selection.

Run Command from Clipboard

Runs the current clipboard content as a shell command in Alacritty. Use at your own risk!

  • Shell commands can do very bad things, including permanently deleting files and accessing sensitive data. Make sure you've carefully reviewed any command before running it.

Run Command from Selection

Runs the currently selected text as a shell command in Alacritty. Use at your own risk!

  • See the precautions above.


Alacritty Path

Full path to the Alacritty executable. Defaults to /Applications/Alacritty.app/Contents/MacOS/alacritty.

Shell Path

Full path to the shell executable used to run commands. Defaults to /bin/zsh.

  • To use your preferred shell, set this to the output of echo $SHELL.

  • The plugin currently supports zsh, bash, and sh (tested against the versions included with macOS Ventura) and fish (tested against the latest version from Homebrew).


The plugin is licensed under the MIT license.

The extension's icon is borrowed from Alacritty, which is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.