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IP Geolocation

Show local and public IPv4/IPv6 address. Query geolocation for any IP address or domain.
9,901 Installs

IP Geolocation

Show local and public IPv4/IPv6 address. Query geolocation for any IP address or domain.

IP Geolocation Query Service from ip-api.com. The following notes are from the official website

Do I need an API key for the free endpoint?

We will never require an API key or registration and the API schema will not change.

How many requests can I do?

Our endpoints are limited to 45 HTTP requests per minute from an IP address. If you go over this limit your requests will be throttled (HTTP 429) until your rate limit window is reset. If you need unlimited queries, please see our pro service.

Want to check the time around the world or find the time by IP address? Try World Clock. ©koinzhang