Raycast Extension to retrieve info about your Tesla from your TeslaMate instance.
How to get started?
You need the following to get started
- A running TeslaMate instace
- Service Account Token for your Grafana instance
- UID of datasource in Grafana
How to create Service Account Token for Grafana
- Go to your Grafana instance
- In the left menubar click on Users and access
- Click on Service accounts
- Click on Add service account
- Choose any Display name for your service account
- Set service account role to Viewer
- Click on Create
- Click on Add service account token
- Choose any Display name for your service account token
- Set Expiration to No expiration
- Copy your token to the TeslaMate Raycast Extension 🎉
How to get the UID of the datasource
- Go to your Grafana instance
- In the left menubar click on Connections -> Data sources
- Click on the DB TeslaMate PostgreSQL
- The URL should now show something like /connections/edit/Pxxxxxxxxx
- The Pxxxxxxxxx is the UID of your data source - copy it to the TeslaMate Raycast Extension 🎉
- Drives Command (Show latest drives info)
- Add charging cost to charges command
- Get locking and sentry state (if possible from the db)
- ....