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Prevent the sleep function on your mac
AvatarMax Schmidt
51,709 Installs

Coffee Extension

Coffee is a Raycast extension designed to manage the caffeination of your Mac. Whether you want to keep your Mac awake for a specific period, while a particular app is running, or on a schedule, Coffee has you covered.

Installation 🛠️

To install the Coffee extension, follow these steps:

  1. Open Raycast.
  2. Search for "Store" and navigate to the Raycast Store.
  3. Search for "Coffee" and click "Install."

Usage 🚀

Once installed, simply trigger the Raycast command palette and search for the desired caffeination command.

Raycast Command Palette with Coffee Commands

Features ✨

1. Caffeinate/Decaffeinate

Keep your Mac awake indefinitely or cancel the caffeination.

2. Toggle Caffeination

Toggle between keeping your Mac caffeinated and in a decaffeinated state

3. Caffeinate For

Caffeinate your Mac for a specified amount of time.

Caffeinate For Command

4. Caffeinate While

Keep your Mac awake as long as a specific app is running.

Caffeinate While Command

5. Schedule Caffeination

Set up a custom caffeination schedule using natural language.

⏳ Schedule for everyday except Tuesday from 13:00 to 20:00
⏳ Schedule for Monday and Thursday from 09:00 to 14:00
⏳ Schedule from 10:00 to 16:30 (adds schedule for all days)
⏳ Saturday and Sunday from 20:00 to 23:30

Supported Actions:

  • Add a Schedule
  • Pause/Resume Schedule
  • Delete a Schedule

📋 Note: If you pause a schedule, you must manually resume it for it to work the next week or any future instances.

Schedule Caffeination Command

6. Caffeination Status

Get the current state of caffeination.

7. Caffeinate Status Menu Bar

Get the status of current caffeination in your menu bar.