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Gerrit Code Review

Interact with Gerrit Code Review instances to query changes and projects
AvatarVadim Khitrin
40 Installs

Gerrit Code Review


This extension allows browsing and viewing Gerrit projects and changes using the REST API endpoint.

Multiple Gerrit instances are supported.

In the current scope of the extension, no plans to support reviewing/voting/submitting and any operations that modify entities in Gerrit.
The extension aims to provide information at a glance, especially if working with multiple instances.
Users should keep using the web interface to modify Gerrit entities.

Users can provide an username+HTTP password to authenticate with API to get personalized info when possible.

This plugin was tested on instances => 3.5.4.


Browse Projects

Query projects hosted on the Gerrit instance.
Fetches default amount of projects configured by instance.

Caveat: If attempting to fetch all projects with their details (<API_ENDPOINT>/projects/?d&all), in larger instances we could exceed the memory heap size when attempting to display all projects.
For example, review.gerrithub.io hosts > 48000 projects and the payload size is => 14M.

At a glance, a list of projects will be shown with the status of the project.
In the detailed view, the description, state, branches and web links will be shown.

Query Changes

Performs a query to search for changes.

If the instance is not authenticated, the initial query will display 50 latest open changes (status:open -is:wip limit:50").
If the instance is authenticated, the initial query will mimic the personal dashboard and will display all relevant personal changes ((owner:self AND is:open) OR (attention:self) OR (reviewer:self AND is:open)).

Only the current (latest) patchset (revision) of the change is fetched.

At a glance, a list of changes will be shown with the author, updated, status, unresolved comments, mergeable (submit requirements), title and number (with a tooltip showcasing the project, branch).
In the detailed view, the title, commit message, status, project, branch, updated, labels, owner, author, uploader, committer, reviewers and topic.

Potential Improvements

  • Get Avatars for users (not all instances use avatars, requires additional API call)
  • Add a command preference to modify the unauthenticated query limit