The ViaCEP extension for Raycast is designed to streamline the process of finding Brazilian addresses and postal codes (CEPs), offering quick and easy access to the ViaCEP API services.
- Find Address by CEP: Enables users to search for a full address using a Brazilian postal code (CEP). This feature is particularly useful for quickly obtaining details like street name, neighborhood, city, and state from a given CEP.
- Find CEP by Address: Allows users to find the corresponding CEP by entering an address. Users can input the street name, city, and state code, and the extension will return the relevant postal code.
- Clipboard Actions: Includes convenient clipboard actions that allow users to copy the found address or CEP directly to their clipboard.
- Open in Maps: An additional feature that lets users directly open the found address or CEP in Maps, aiding in visualizing the location or planning routes.
Developed by Arthur Pinheiro (@xilopaint on GitHub).
Distributed under the MIT License.