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Do Not Disturb

Disable notifications on your Apple devices
AvatarKartikay Jainwal
4,170 Installs

Do Not Disturb


Turn on "Do Not Disturb" focus mode - This will disable notifications on your Apple devices

The first time you run this action, you will be prompted to install a shortcut. This shortcut is used to enable/disable "Do Not Disturb" mode and only needs to be installed once.


  • Turn On - Turn on "Do Not Disturb"
  • Turn Off - Turn off "Do Not Disturb"
  • Toggle - Toggle "Do Not Disturb" status
  • Status - Get the current status of "Do Not Disturb"


This extension follows Raycast Cross-Extension Conventions.

You can use crossLaunchCommand or built-in launchCommand to use its features.

The toggle and status has a dndStatus callback payload. Possible values are true | false | undefined, the undefined means the DND shortcut is not found.


import { crossLaunchCommand } from "raycast-cross-extension";

  name: "on", // Available values are "on", "off", "toggle", "status".
  type: LaunchType.Background,
  extensionName: "do-not-disturb",
  ownerOrAuthorName: "yakitrak",
  context: {
    // Optional. This suppresses the HUD from the `do-not-disturb` extension.
    suppressHUD: true,

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