🙅 Auto Quit Applications

Work is busy. We open apps, switch between them, and often get carried away. But what if distractions wouldn’t stay around?! You could simply focus on coding, designing, or what matters in the moment. Well, say hello to Auto Quits. Simply enable Auto Quit for apps like Slack, and they get terminated after 3 minutes of inactivity. This is another step towards keeping you in the flow, with a new way of experiencing your computer where distractions aren't just easier to resist, but are completely out of sight.
To enable auto-quitting for your applications, select the app in the root search or the settings and click "Enable Auto Quit". Afterward, the app will terminate after 3 minutes of inactivity. To disable it, follow the same steps and select "Disable Auto Quit". We recommend enabling it for apps you don't rely on for your work and want to use only temporarily, such as chats, calendars, or social media apps.
💎 Improvements
- AI Chat Presets: Added an action to copy the deeplink to a preset. Opening the deeplink will start a new AI Chat with that preset.
- Improved the consistency of the order of displays when running the “Next/Previous Display” command
- Calculator: You can now specify the
in the deeplink of the “Calculator History” command to link to a specific calculation
- Calculator: 6-digit hex colors that aren’t prefixed by
are now recognised as colors in the root search. Try it: FF6363
- AI Attachments: Added support to missing text based file types (including
, .ts
- Misc: Reduced memory footprint. Added a “Cache Diagnostics” tool to gather logs about image memory and disk caching.
- Window Management: Change text fields values with up/shift+up/down/shift+down key combinations in Create Command sheet
- Window Management: Save Create Command sheet text fields unit preferences to user defaults
🐞 Fixes
- Calculator: The results will now correctly be in your system timezone (even if you change timezones)
- Search Menu Items: Addressed issue where menu titles were truncated early
- Create Snippets: Fixed emoji not being pasted in the rich text editor
- My Schedule: Improved link detection reliability when the event contains HTML
- Root Search: Fixed pasting number columns copied from Excel
- Main Window: Fixed resetting compact main window position through shortcut
- Window Management: Fixed resizing minimized apps windows
- Window Management: Moved all windows to screen containing mouse when applying a layout
- Window Management: Fixed syncing layout records with previous version
- Run Last Command: Fixed running in compact mode and when compact mode is expanded through "Show More”