
v1.53.0June 7, 2023

📑 Placeholders in AI Commands


Improve your prompts with additional context by adding Dynamic Placeholders. You can choose from the selected text, your clipboard history, or up to three arguments to input additional text. Create versatile AI Commands, like translate {selection} to French or write a blog post about {argument name="Topic"} for {argument name="Target Audience"}.

Note: We migrated previous AI Commands to use the selection placeholder.

✨ New

  • Emoji & Symbols: You can now find unicode symbols in the Search Emoji command (now renamed Search Emoji & Symbols).
  • Emoji & Symbols: You can now pin emoji and symbols to keep them at the top of the results.
  • Emoji & Symbols: You can now filter emoji and symbols by their category.
  • Emoji & Symbols: You can now set the display size for emoji in the command’s preferences.
  • Emoji & Symbols: The selected emoji name is now displayed in the action bar.
  • AI Chat: New action to submit a message without generating a response. It’s useful for accumulating context in a chat.

💎 Improvements

  • Calendar: Improved detection for conference calls in calendar events created by Microsoft Outlook or Office 365.
  • Snippets: Hide {cursor} suggestion if there is already one cursor placeholder used.
  • Snippets: Added support for inserting the second to last copied text with {clipboard offset=1}
  • Create AI Command: When editing an existing command, a draft is only created if the command is changed.

🐞 Fixes

  • Change the “Turn Volume Up” command to unmute as well if necessary.
  • Pro Plan: Fixed problems with the Pro Plan management and billings on the account page.
  • Quick AI: Fixed issue with Tab not working when search bar was empty and the selected command had an alias
  • Search AI Commands: The frontmost application indicator is now visible.
v1.52.0May 24, 2023

😱 New Emojis


It’s time to express yourself with a new set of emojis. Now available in the built-in Emoji Picker that you can use across all apps. We recommend assigning a hotkey, e.g. Space.

Note: macOS 13.3 or later is required for emoji 15.0

✨ New

  • AI Chat: Added the new action “Copy Chat as Image” to quickly create a shareable image of the conversation
  • Theme Studio: Themes now sync between all your Macs if you have Cloud Sync enabled [Pro Plan required].

💎 Improvements

  • Emoji: The inline emoji picker now uses the same alias names as Slack and Github, for example: :smile:
  • Theme Studio: Added filter for dark/light themes
  • Theme Studio: The color indicators in the inspector now have borders to improve accessibility
  • Theme Studio: Added markdown example with a code block in the preview
  • AI Chat: Format user messages in Markdown
  • AI Chat: Enabled auto-scroll when selecting text.
  • AI Chat: Disabled smart quotes and smart dashes in the assistant response.
  • AI Chat: Chat text now respects the app text size setting.
  • AI Chat: Chat is now auto-saved after the first assistant response.
  • AI Commands: More reliable capturing of selected text in apps like Spark
  • AI Commands: Respect new lines for Direct Paste/Insert

🐞 Fixes

  • AI Chat: Fixed an issue where E and A would scroll instead of moving the cursor
  • AI Chat: Make toast respect active custom theme
  • AI Chat: Fixed inline code block rendering.
  • AI Chat: Selecting text in the chat no longer steals focus from the composer**.**
  • Emoji: Favorites now respect the chosen skin tone.
  • Define Word: Fixed an issue where history wouldn’t be displayed
  • Themes: Fixed an issue that might have caused displaying the wrong theme for system appearance
  • Pro Plan: Fixed problems with subscription management.
  • Store: Fixed installation of extensions when directly from in-browser Store
  • Misc: Fixed an issue where the Command Palette would sometimes not dismiss after showing a submenu.
v1.51.0May 10, 2023

Today, we’re introducing Raycast Pro, a paid plan that unlocks a new level of productivity. The subscription provides access to the following new features for $8 per month, billed annually. Everything you know and love about Raycast stays for free.


💫 Raycast AI


Raycast AI has become indispensable for beta testers in the last few weeks, who have generated over 500 million words. Now, we are making Raycast AI available to everyone. Use Quick AI to answer one-off questions, AI Chat as an assistant during workdays, and AI Commands to streamline tasks. Finally, AI feels right at home on your Mac!

☁️ Cloud Sync

Cloud Sync

Starting today, you can access Cloud Sync with a Pro subscription. All your Extensions, Quicklinks, Snippets, Hotkeys, and more are securely stored and kept up-to-date across your Macs. It’s also an ideal backup solution, allowing you to move to a new device in minutes.

🎨 Custom Themes

Custom Themes

Make Raycast your own with gorgeous themes. Opt for a pre-made one or design your own with the brand-new Theme Studio and share it with the community.

📋 Unlimited Clipboard History

Unlimited Clipboard History

Keep an indefinite history of everything you have copied with a Pro subscription. New options allow you to store previously copied content for up to 6 months, 1 year, or indefinitely.

v1.50.0April 28, 2023

💫 Quick AI Beta


Need a quick answer? Quick AI is here to help! Just open Raycast, type your question, and press Tab to get the response. Whether it’s a programming question, content iteration or dinner suggestion - it’s all just a Tab away!

Raycast AI is in beta. Join the waitlist and watch this video to get a preview of Quick AI.

✨ New

  • AI Command Deeplinks: Launch any AI command from outside of Raycast using Deeplinks: raycast://ai-command/<slugified-command-name>. Learn more in the manual.
  • Markdown Tables are now properly supported everywhere.
  • Markdown: Code blocks now support syntax highlighting.
  • AI Chat: Opens now in the resizable, floating window by default. AI Commands open in the Quick AI View. Pro tip: Set a hotkey to toggle the AI Chat via Settings -> Extensions -> Raycast AI -> AI Chat.
  • AI Chat: Code blocks now have a “copy” button in the top-right corner.

💎 Improvements

  • The default search scope for apps from Parallels VMs can now be removed (Preferences > Extensions > Applications > Search Scope).
  • Grids: You can use / / + arrows left and right to move cursor in search bar
  • Window Management: Added Top Center Two Thirds command
  • Window Management: Center Half command now cycles between center 1/2, 1/3 and 2/3 widths.

🐞 Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with “Always show events in menu bar” and back-to-back events, which would cause the earlier event to be displayed right up until the second event started.
  • Fixed an issue with My Schedule's “Next up” time formatting that would say in 115 minutes instead of in 1 hour, 55 minutes.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented AI Commands like Fix Spelling and Grammar couldn’t be favorited in the Root Search.
  • Fixed missing drafts for the Create AI Command.
v1.49.0March 29, 2023

🎨 Color Detection


Now you can enter color values in the Root Search to see a preview. An action lets you quickly copy it in other formats, such as HEX, HSL, RGB, NSColor and so on. Try it out: #FF6363.

🤖 Improvements for Raycast AI Beta


Raycast AI unlocks the power of AI on your Mac. We’ve been working with our beta users to improve the experience over the last few weeks. Today, we are releasing three new features, plus some minor fixes. Join the waitlist to supercharge your productivity.

Separate Window

You can now open Raycast AI in a separate, resizable window that stays on top of other apps. This makes it the perfect companion for your workday. To enable the separate window, go to Raycast Settings → Extensions → Raycast AI.

💡 Pro tip: Assign a global hotkey to the “Ask AI” command to quickly focus the chat.


Chats are saved in history, so you can pick up where you left off. For example, writing your next hit iOS app. To access previous conversations, press ⌘ + P in the Ask AI command. To start a new one, press ⌘ + N.

Quick Paste/Insert

AI Commands can paste or insert their AI-generated text directly into the frontmost application. To replace your selected text, just press ⌘ + ↵ when launching an AI Command. Or, press ⌥ + ↵ to insert the generated text below the selection.

✨ New

  • File Search: Additional applications are shown in the Open With action.
  • Script Command Deeplinks: Launch any script command from outside of Raycast using Deeplinks: raycast://script-command/<slugified-file-name-without-extension>. Learn more in the manual.

💎 Improvements

  • AI: Use search term as default instruction for ad-hoc AI Commands.
  • AI: Add separator when copying formatted chat.
  • AI: Improve behavior of Regenerate Response action.
  • AI: Add action to copy code blocks of the last response.
  • Clipboard History: Add save action for text and images.
  • Dictionary: Permit customizing default action.
  • Root Search: Parallels apps are now automatically discovered and can be opened in the respective VM.

🐞 Fixes

  • AI: Fix missing actions for favorites in Root Search.
  • AI: Fix an issue with selection being reset when text is generating
  • Dictionary: Remove extra characters in the word list.
  • Snippets: Support placeholders in curly brackets.
v1.48.0February 22, 2023

🪄 Raycast AI Beta - Magic at Your Fingertips


Unlock the power of AI anywhere on your Mac. Write smarter, code faster, answer questions quicker, and do so much more. Today, we're opening up early access for the next generation of Raycast - a productivity tool for professionals that uses AI to help you get more done in less time.

Sign up for our waitlist and watch this video to get a sneak peek of Raycast AI.

💎 Improvements

  • Pop to Root Search: Added 120 and 180 seconds intervals.
  • Calendar: You can now join Amazon Chime video meetings right from Raycast.
  • Calendar: You can now join Slack Huddle video meetings right from Raycast.
  • Markdown: Inline code blocks now look nicer. Like this (if you read this changelog in the app).
  • Flight Tracker: You can now enable/disable Flight Tracker detection in settings. You can find it in Raycast Preferences → Extensions → Calculator
  • Flight Tracker: A plane icon will now be displayed to indicate a flight number was detected and flight data is being loaded.

🐞 Fixes

  • Fixed a bug with Flight Tracker being displayed for multiplications which use the letter “x” as the operator.
  • Fixed a bug that caused errors in the store if more than 140 extensions were installed.
v1.47.0February 1, 2023

🖇️ Deeplinks

A convenient way to launch any command inside Raycast from an URL scheme.

Whether you want to launch a command from your own extension, the Calculator History, or the Clipboard History, you can easily do so using Deeplinks. The format is easy to remember, making it easy for you to use Deeplinks to your advantage.


You can read more about how to use Deeplinks here.


💎 Improvements

  • Preferences: Add a preference to replace ⌃⌥⌘⇧ by ✦ (hyper key).
  • Flight Tracker: Don’t show it when the flight number matches aliases, Quicklinks names and other titles for your search results.
  • Snippets: Add an action to delete all local snippets.
  • Snippets: The - and _ characters are no longer treated as delimiters when using the After Delimiter expansion options. So they can safely be used in snippet keywords.
  • AppUpdates: Improved permissions handling for users working on non-admin accounts.
  • File Search: The authorisation prompt should no longer appear after denying permissions. It can also be manually dismissed in cases where the permission is denied outside of Raycast.

🐞 Fixes

  • Fixed a bug in Switch Windows command where closed apps would still be listed.
v1.46.0January 18, 2023

✈️ Flight Tracker

Flight tracking is now one of the core capabilities of Raycast. A lot like quickly getting the answer to a calculation or conversion question, enter any flight code in Raycast (e.g. DL234, KL1620 or LH962) search bar to immediately get real-time information about that flight, including up-to-date information on departure and arrival times, flight status, and when in flight, the approximate position of the plane in a new map view.


✨ New

  • Added Toggle Stage Manager command

💎 Improvements

  • Calendar: You can now join video meetings right from Raycast
  • Raycast will now only offer to open Google Meet links in a special browser if the default browser is not already based on Chromium.
  • Bottom-left menu: You can now click on the name of any command in the bottom-left of the Raycast window to quickly access a few links (like accessing the preferences of the command, viewing the README of an extension, etc.)
  • App Uninstaller: Made the Uninstall Application action available for running applications. The running application gets quit before uninstalling it.

🐞 Fixes

  • Window Management: Fixed a bug where the Stage Manager wasn’t respected if only one window was open
  • Clipboard History: Fixed a bug where pasting entries from the history didn’t work in 1Password, Adobe InDesign, and other applications
  • Calculator History: Fixed an issue where some shortcuts wouldn’t work when the action panel was open
  • Date Picker: Fixed an issue where it would show wrong suggestions when typing the day of the week
  • Manage Quicklinks: Metadata now updates correctly after editing a quicklink.
  • File Search: Fixed an issue where the Authorization prompt would sometimes appear even though authorization was already granted.
  • Fixed an issue where Ctrl + H/L wouldn’t work in grid views when Vim navigation style is enabled
  • Made the animation of the Toggle Bounce Animation command slower on small displays
  • Fixed a 1px border on the top of screenshots taken with the built-in screenshot tool
v1.45.0December 15, 2022

🎁 Meet your Raycast Wrapped


Take a glance at your productivity over the past year, from launching Raycast, to your use of Extensions and Applications, and visualize your developer stats and time spent in meetings.

Get a better understanding of how you’ve used Raycast, broken down by the hour, what features you use the most, and maybe some features you’re missing out on.

Post a snapshot of your stats and summary by clicking Copy as Image in each section, then paste your media to share.

Disclaimer: Most of the data displayed is stored locally, and Raycast does not have access to it. If you moved between machines during the year, some of the data might have been lost. If you’ve used Raycast for less than 30 days, you will not have enough data to be displayed – but there’s always next year!

✨ New

  • Proxy and Certificates Preferences: Under Raycast Advanced Preferences, you’ll find new preferences for using the internet proxy settings from your system, and for using certificates from the system keychain or a custom location. Most of our existing extensions are already compatible with proxies, with the rest being updated soon. So if you’re behind a corporate proxy or need to use custom certificates and previously had network issues with extensions, try enabling the new settings.
  • Fallback commands: All commands from extensions can now be used as fallback commands!

💎 Improvements

  • System Settings are now grouped separately from Applications under the Extensions tab in Raycast Settings
  • Script Commands: Allow scripts with multiple arguments to be used as fallback commands.
  • Linear, Asana and Hacker News: These three bundled extensions are now open source. The new versions are powered by our API and have more features. You can find them in the Store.

🐞 Fixes

  • Fixed the File Search Copy action appending a . to the folder’s name
  • Snippets should now expand in Jetbrains products as expected
  • Clipboard History items now displays the correct name application name on every launch
v1.44.0November 23, 2022

⌨️ macOS Shortcuts Improvements

macOS Shortcuts are now more deeply integrated inside Raycast! Their custom icons as well as their folder will be shown in Raycast - and if a shortcut accepts an argument, you will be able to input it right there.

Important: Requires accessibility permission. Raycast will prompt it in the root search or when running any shortcut.


💎 Improvements

  • Calculator History: Improved icons for more calculation types and added actions to copy question or put it in the search bar.
  • Export Settings & Data: You can now edit and view the export password in the command’s preferences.
  • Clipboard: New action to copy formatted JSON in case the previously copied text was a valid JSON.

🐞 Fixes

  • Fixed high CPU usage bug when users listen for Script Commands in a rapidly changing parent folder (e.g. ~).
  • Fixed a memory leak when viewing images in commands which use the grid view.
  • Snippets: Fixed issues with keyword expansion in some apps
  • Preferences: You can now edit the alias or hotkey of “Next/Previous Display” window management commands even when no external monitor is connected
  • Calculator: Fixed random issues in math calculations for some users