
v1.23.0September 10, 2021

πŸ” Customize Fallback Commands


You can now use Quicklinks and Script Commands with single arguments as fallback commands, as well as sort them to fit your needs.

You've probably seen these in Raycast, when your search term doesn't have any matching result. It was a list of pre-defined commands like File Search, Google Search etc. Now, you can customize the list by clicking the new Settings icon, next to the title of the list section.

✨ New

  • Quicklinks now support default values for parameters. Just insert a colon after the placeholder and type your default value. You can learn more about them here
  • Clipboard History: You can now configure applications that you wish to ignore in the clipboard history. By default we already ignore transitive and sensitive information. Head over to Preferences β†’ Extensions β†’ Clipboard History to set it up

πŸ’Ž Improvements

  • Calculator: Now supports more natural language parsing like "one year ago", "half of 30% of half of 100" and "five minus three"
  • Calculator: Now displays extremely large numbers and small number using scientific notation rather than the previously used SI notation
  • My Schedule: Action panel will have "Join Event" as primary action for today's events
  • My Schedule: Added an "Open in Maps" action for events with a location
  • Quicklinks: Create Quicklink form now permits URLs without a scheme e.g. ""
  • Snippets: Added a warning in the Snippet preferences if another application has enabled "Secure Input" and is blocking snippet expansion
  • Snippets: Expansion now works correctly in Microsoft Outlook
  • Improved performance in the root search

🐞 Fixes

  • Scripts: Invalid script encoding is now detected by Raycast, letting the user re-encode for successful execution (very common in AppleScripts after using the Script Editor)
  • Bookmarks: Full-disk access is only requested when strictly necessary (e.g. if Safari is selected as targeted browser)
  • Jira: Better handling of "No cloud id available" error during authorization
  • Root Search now detects URLs more reliably and helps you open in browser or create a Quicklink easily.
  • Fixed an issue with hotkeys not working in some rare cases by improving detection of keyboard layout changes
  • Fixed an issue that could cause a crash in a background
  • Fixed a bug where the pasted content in the clipboard history wasn't up-ranked
  • Fixed a bug which could prevent new apps, script commands and quicklinks from appearing in Root Search
  • Fixed a bug where Floating Notes were not restored correctly if toggled very quickly
v1.22.0August 25, 2021

Export/import preferences and data


Use Raycast on more than one Mac or like to backup your custom Raycast config? Now you can easily transfer or backup your preferences and data, with the new export and import feature.

Use the "Export Preferences & Data" command to export preferences, aliases, hotkeys, favourites, snippets, quicklinks, floating notes and other data to a "rayconfig" file. Later you can import this configuration file, using the "Import Preferences & Data" command, on the same mac or start just where you left off on a new mac.

✨ New

  • Search Menu Items: You can now disable apps in which you do not want to use the command, thus helping you continue with your favourite command palette in apps that support it while using the same shortcut to bring up this Raycast command for other apps. Go to Preferences β†’ Extensions β†’ Search Menu Items and select apps on the right pane.
  • Snippets: We've added a new "After Delimiter" expansion mode. In this mode, the keyword will only be expanded after entering a delimiter e.g. space or punctuation. You can now also configure the delay before immediate expansion.
  • File Search: You can now choose in preferences to search file contents, in addition to the default file name search.

πŸ’Ž Improvements

  • Clipboard history: Added actions to remove recent entries
  • Clipboard history: Added option to store up to three months of copied content
  • Contacts: Added name to the Action Panel for more context
  • Improve on-login start performance
  • Search Menu Items: Search Results are no longer grouped into sections of the top-level menu and are now sorted according to the match in the menu item, helping you reach the item you need with fewer keystrokes
  • Search Menu Items: Checkmark is now displayed near items that support it and have it enabled
  • Calculator will now stay out of the way when your search term has at least one matching command, app or quicklink. We hope you wouldn't miss it too much
  • Calculator: Large numbers (up to a Trillion) is now displayed in full with local specific separators
  • File search: Now prompts for "Removable Volume" access permission if required. This enables file search on removable media such as USB sticks or hard drives.
  • File search: Down-score results in ~/Library/Group Containers
  • Window Management: Added a "Center Two Thirds" command.
  • All items in the Extension Preferences are now sorted alphabetically
  • Applications, script commands and quicklinks can now be drag'n'dropped out of root search

🐞 Fixes

  • Common navigation shortcuts of Raycast such as ⌘ W, ⌘ βŽ‹ and custom shortcuts you have assigned in Raycast will now work inside the Search Menu Items command as well
  • The Configure Command action panel item (⌘ ⇧ ,) on the root search will now always take you to the exact command in Preferences even if you are in a different tab or have a filter turned on
  • Disabled apps and quicklinks will now be hidden as expected when you turn on the Show only enabled filter in Extension Preferences
  • Special characters like +, & are now encoded properly when you pass them to a Quicklink or Script Command
  • Jira: Fixed an issue with the Due Date format that could cause Create Issue command to fail in certain regions
  • Scripts: Fixed an issue that would prevent TypeScript script commands from showing up in Raycast
  • Auto Input Switcher: Fixed an issue where Raycast wouldn't switch back to Pinyin input source after closing window with auto input switcher enabled
  • File Search: Fixed a crash when entering '%@' as a search term.
v1.21.0July 29, 2021

🀫 Silent Updates

We've been continuously releasing updates throughout the last year to improve the app based on your feedback. Usually, we group smaller changes together with a highlighted feature. But sometimes we want to ship a small fix or improvement without making a big fuss out of it. Today we're introducing Silent Updates to iterate even quicker. Silent Updates install in the background, they don't have any release notes and you most likely won't notice them.

Going forward we'll still release regular updates but use Silent Updates for smaller bug fixes and iterations on our upcoming API, which we are currently alpha testing. More on the latter soon πŸ˜‰

πŸ’Ž Improvements

  • Root Search: Add support for detecting apps or preferences via symlinked folders
  • Root Search: Add a new general action to reset the ranking of an item – you can use it to get rid of upranked search result items that you don't open often anymore
  • G Suite: Trashed Google Drive files are not shown in search results anymore
  • Calculator: Now displays results up to 10 decimal places and spells out results properly up to 2^54 (18 Quadrillion...)
  • Snippets: Add expansion options in preferences. You can now choose to expand a keyword immediately or only after entering a delimiter (such as space or a punctuation character)
  • Bookmarks: Display browser icon as a fallback if favicon is unavailable
  • Search Menu Items: Improved matching algorithm and added support for fuzzy search
  • Add a new icon for the dynamic Open in Browser command
  • Improve cold start performance, enhance in-app updates

🐞 Fixes

  • Search: Fixed an issue with a wrong ranking of results that have not been visited recently. (If needed, please run the new "Reset Ranking" action on an item in root search.)
  • Search Menu Items: Items with all submenus disabled will no longer show up
  • Fixed issue with Create Quicklink command not getting disabled properly in some cases
  • Zoom: Fixed broken authorization that would end up showing "Invalid scope" error on Zoom's website
  • Script Commands: Don't pop to root automatically if the script is still running
  • Misc: Fixed an issue where automatic input switching didn't switch back to the previous language after closing Raycast
v1.20.0July 13, 2021

πŸ”Ž Menu Items Search

Search through all menu items of the frontmost application with our latest addition to the Navigation extension. The Search Menu Items command is a great way to discover the functionality of an app without lifting your fingers from the keyboard.

✨ Pro tip: Use a global hotkey to open the Search Menu Items command, e.g. βŒ₯ M.

πŸ’Ž Improvements

  • Linear: Add support for the new Issue Triage. Set the Triage status in the Create Issue command to add issues to your Triage team inbox. If an issue is assigned to you and has the Triage status assigned, you'll see it on the top in the Assigned Issues command.
  • Script Commands: Raycast will pop to root in fullOutput mode after a timeout same way as other commands.

🐞 Fixes

  • Linear: Fixed a bug where Linear Create Issue command would not work for some users
  • Switch Windows: Fixed issues that might have caused Raycast to crash in the background
v1.19.0July 1, 2021

πŸͺŸ Switch Windows

List all open windows of your running applications and switch instantly. Search for window titles or app names and use the action panel to perform common window or application related actions.

✨ New

  • Window Management: Use presets to assign default hotkeys of Magnet, Rectangle, or Spectacle to window management commands via Raycast Preferences β†’ Extensions β†’ Window Management.

πŸ’Ž Improvements

  • Calendar: Overlapping events from previous days are now shown in the today section
  • System command: Change step size of the Turn Volume Up/Down command to 5%
  • Quicklink: Now shows favicon for links selected to open with more browsers including Vivaldi, Safari Technology Preview, and Firefox Developer Edition

🐞 Fixes

  • Calculator: Fixed issue in which strings like "time in london" showed the local time as result
  • Quicklink: Fixed issue with alias not working properly in some cases
v1.18.0June 16, 2021

πŸ”Ž File Search


We've been hard at work on improvements to File Search. There is a new filter menu so you can choose between searching all files on your Mac or just your user files. Results are more accurate and relevant than ever; we've also improved the algorithm, so it should be easier to surface results whether you search by name or for a specific file type. We've also improved compatibility with iCloud Drive.

✨ New

  • Script Commands: Added support for secure inputs that can be used for passing passwords to scripts. To enable add "secure": true to the argument configuration. More details in documentation.

πŸ’Ž Improvements

  • File search: Added a filter so you can search for all files on your Mac or just your user files.
  • File search: Results are more accurate and relevant; we also suppress results from system files and other locations such as ~/Library.
  • File search: Improved compatibility with iCloud Drive.
  • File search: You can now toggle the file detail view to show file paths in the results list.
  • My Schedule: Improved performance by fetching only events of the next month instead of the next quarter
  • My Schedule: Now you can join Facebook Workplace video calls straight from Raycast
  • Contacts: Added action to call phone number with iPhone
  • Calculator: Now supports conversion between any two units without needing to specify a number e.g. USD to EUR, kg to pounds...
  • Clipboard history: Added a "Save as Snippet" action to save clipboard items as a new snippet.
  • Snippets: You can now view information about a snippet, such as the modification date and copy count.

🐞 Fixes

  • Reminders: Setting due date from action panel will now be reflected in Apple's Reminders.
  • Calculator: Natural logarithm for negative values now returns error as expected.
  • Currency Conversion: Currency rates should now update correctly after refreshing.
  • Currency Conversion: Fixed aliases for Ethereum and Ethereum Classic. Added yen, won aliases for Japanese and South Koren currencies.
  • Fixed a bug (Catalina only) where the login status for some services was not updated in the user interface.
v1.17.0June 3, 2021

πŸ’» WWDC21


We teamed up with to make it easy to keep up with this year's schedule. You can search for all sessions by title, topic or day in Raycast. If you have the WWDC app installed, you can favorite, download and watch all videos during next week and the days after. The command will be available after the keynote.

✨ New

  • Quicklinks: Added support for up to 3 arguments. Time to say good bye to more of your scripts!

πŸ’Ž Improvements

  • My Schedule: Added an action to copy the conference link of an event in case you want to share it or open it in a different browser
  • Snippets: Improved app compatibility when expanding snippets
  • Snippets: Expansion now works with non-activating apps e.g. Spotlight
  • Snippets: Correcting keywords during typing is now more reliable
  • Snippets: Expansion preserves the delimiter, if entered to trigger completion
  • Script Commands: Added /opt/homebrew/bin to default $PATH

🐞 Fixes

  • Root search: Dismissing action panel no longer selects search field text
v1.16.0May 26, 2021

⚑️ Snippet expansion


Snippet expansion comes to Raycast. Simply type the snippet keyword in any app to have it auto-expand in-place. It's great for emails, code, messages or just flipping the table (β•―Β°β–‘Β°)β•―οΈ΅ ┻━┻ .

To enable the expansion for existing snippets use the "Edit Snippet" action to add a keyword. You can add a keyword straight away when creating new snippets.

✨ New

  • New command to toggle Bluetooth

πŸ’Ž Improvements

  • Set function keys (F1 ... F20) as global hotkeys for apps or commands. They work with and without modifier keys
  • Window position is now persisted between launches of the app
  • Preferences: Items in the Extensions pane are now sorted alphabetically when searching
  • Quicklinks: Added a confirmation alert before deleting Quicklinks to prevent accidental deletions
  • Quicklinks: Added action to duplicate a Quicklink, just press ⌘ D with the Quicklink selected from root search. Editing is also now much easier, using ⌘ E and the same form
  • Clipboard History: Now you can drag'n'drop content out of clipboard history to other apps
  • Root Search: More locations for preference panes and nested apps from app packages are detected by default
  • Root Search: Configure any command or app by pressing ⌘ ⇧ , . It opens the preferences window and selects the item, so that you can set a hotkey or an alias easily.

🐞 Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where disabled apps showed up in the suggestions on the root search
  • Calculator: Fixed an issue with crypto conversion where Ethereum currency symbols were mixed up
  • Reminders: Fixed an issue where setting Due Date is not reflected in Apple’s Reminders apps
  • Quicklinks: Fixed an issue which leads to a crash sometimes when changing a Quicklink’s name in the preferences pane
  • Fixed regression in β€œOpen In Browser” command, which sometimes didn’t open the proper URL
v1.15.1May 19, 2021

🏎 Snippets


You can now create short text snippets within Raycast. Great for jotting down ideas, notes, code, or just the shopping list πŸ˜ƒ. Colors can also be stored as snippets, great for designers 🎨. You can easily copy snippets to the clipboard or paste them directly into the active application.

Use the Create Snippet command to add new snippets. View your existing snippets using the Search Snippets command. Enjoy πŸŽ‰.

✨ New

  • Window Management: New commands to make windows smaller and larger

πŸ’Ž Improvements

  • You can now paste any link into the Raycast search bar and one of the results will be the "Create Quicklink" command, which will copy the link as well
  • Create Quicklink form automatically updates the default app to open with, when you enter any link
  • Link validation is now more permissive in Create Quicklink form. If you think some app can open a link, we won't restrict that.

🐞 Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where links copied from Microsoft Edge didn't get stored by the Clipboard History
  • Fixed profile recognition in Chromium browsers (Chrome and Brave) and Firefox
  • Deleting a Quicklink will maintain the row position in the root search
  • Changing a Quicklink's name or app in the preferences will now reflect all over Raycast instantly
  • Fixed an issue where login to some services wouldn't work in Preferences
v1.14.0May 12, 2021

πŸ”— Quicklinks


You're going to love this! Everything you need to access quickly can be a Quicklink from now. Open frequently visited links in the browser, open project folders in your favorite IDE or Terminal, jump to your loved Spotify playlist and use queries to perform searches on Google, Dribbble or other websites. The best thing is that you can access it directly from within the root search.

Use the Create Quicklink command to add new links by specifying the name, link and the app that it should be opened with.

Go to Raycast Preferences β†’ Extensions β†’ Quicklinks to manage all your links.

πŸ’Ž Improvements

  • My Schedule: If an event is still running, it will be selected when opening the command
  • Linear: Added a preference for remembering the last selected project in Create Issue command
  • Hotkey Recorder: It's now possible to use hotkeys previously reported as used by the system when recording a hotkey

🐞 Fixes

  • Browser Bookmarks: Fixes for crashes produced by malformed Firefox .ini files and invalid bookmark entries
  • Root Search: Fixed a bug where a single search result could still be returned despite the item being disabled in preferences
  • Calendar: Declined events will no longer show up in the My Schedule Command
  • Calculator: Fixes an issue where the currency rates refresh time could be incorrect
  • Window management: Fixes an issue where resized windows sometimes fell off the screen
  • Fixed an issue for creating Linear issues without a title
  • Fixed an issue where a subtitle wouldn't be displayed for Draft items
  • Fixed an issue where multiple images wouldn't be displayed in the changelog
  • Fixed an issue where hotkeys could be unavailable after their command is removed